
Im gonna be changing the layout of the character pages soon so im not going into detail but E.A.D is like the personification of the universe or smth who gained consciousness when Bryony accidently opened a channel to communicate with here while trying to develop sentient AI.


E.A.D quickly becomes attached to Bryony before Bryony realises that E.A.D isn't just a program but she eventually figures it out. While trying to dig up info about her in the company's files, she sets of an alert which notifies the higher ups to her existence. They deem her dangerous since she's breaking past firewalls for no real reason and demand Bryony shuts her off, which she reluctantly does.

E.A.D is heartbroken and scared, fearing going back to how she was before. In her emotional state she unknowingly transfers herself into Bryony's mind, hitching a ride out of the building. Neither realise this until later in the evening where Bryony collapses from pain after E.A.D wakes up. E.A.D sort of squishes her presence down in Bryony's head so that Bryony can function but its uncomfortable for both of them still. E.A.D demands Bryony find a way for her to experience the world, not wanting to be stuck in a computer again. Bryony just wants her out her head.

E.A.D doesn't know how she jumped from the computer system into Bryony's head so she's stuck until she can figure that out, but she does learn eventually.
